Wednesday 6 October 2010

Call Me Biased, But … {Blogtoberfest #6}

Today is brought to you by my joy of bias binding

Now, please understand me here: fabric is my “big crush” -  but trimmings! *Swoon!* – They’re my weakness. I can spot trimmings from 2 shops away.  My eyes lock onto any form of ribbon, tassel, piping or Bias Binding and I’m a gonner.
This has a neat parallel with my equally lifelong stationery obsession:
Now, I also understand that if I’m not making my own bindings out of the finely teased, spun & woven fibres of quality cotton fabric, and plenty of folding and pressing, I am not really a proper fully-fledged quilter.  But Hey! I am a stitcher!  For the moment, that will do me fine. 
When I do graduate to making my own bindings (and I know I will) you can bet your bottom dollar I’ll be here shouting it from the blogtops, but until that time, just let me revel in my little vice, eh?
06102010583_384x600I actually bought the black and white polka bindings to see if I could rescue the neckline of the work shirt I’m making (fast turning into Dinner-Ladies-Tabard) that lies in the UFO pile.  I was going to go with grey, as kindly suggested by some of you on the original post, but being a plain colour it didn’t really change the whole work pinafore look.

…. so … tell me, please: white with black spots OR black with white?
Seeing as I’m in Blogtoberfest mood, I’ll do a bit of a random generator on this and send {worldwide, natch} a stick of 02102010558-1  (Brighton Rock) to a random comment that chooses the colourway with the most votes …
Then, I’ll promise to finish the sewing this weekend!
I’m guessing you might want a sneaky peek at the sewing part of my other giveaway? (closes October 15th guys)

… well … maybe tomorrow, eh?
Don’t forget to give your sweet tooth a chance and comment
and then pop and see who else is Blogtoberfest-ing.


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