This post is brought to you through the power of Blogtoberfest 2012
So, ta ta Blogtoberfest. I didn’t fare too badly, considering it was report writing and exam time! … I missed about a week’s worth of posts, all told. I enjoyed trying to find meaty things to write about rather than just coasting it with easy posts, but I did slip in the odd quickie.
Sorry. Drifted off there. Quickie. ... stirs something in my deep and fogging memory.
Anyway, ahem. The real fun of Blogtoberfest for me is in the discovery of new blogs; new writers, new makers. That temporary flash of discipline that makes us all focus to produce what we can, for each other, for a month. Gotta love that. There’ll be a little roundup of what caught my eye, so stay tuned.
The other thing I loved was that I started to wang on about synaesthesia, and I’m looking forward to doing some more posts on it, especially some touchy feely fabricy ones.
I have to admit there’s been very little sewing going on chez Pings and I’m on day Three of my precious three day half term!
day one –
day two –
What drives me crazy is that I’ve been up and attem by 7am all three days ... grr to stupid brain. I'm now utterly wiped out, so hope that I'll be able to just have a nice relaxing weekend before going back on Monday!
Mrs Random Number generator has decreed that the lucky winner of 12 FQs of Basic Grey Blitzen is …..
Yay! Congratulations Sarah@ NarcolepticInACupboard ! I can honestly say you are going to love this fabric! Pop me an email with your postal details and the lovely ladies at Brighton Sewing Centre will send it on its way…
I have a serious crush on this print … I even find myself thinking about it during the day. There will deffo be another project.
I never buy yardage. I tend to buy FQs; that way you get four times as much fabric strokey joy for the same price. But this is something I don’t want to run out of. The harmony of colour and the beautiful surface design just sends me. I think it’s like william morris was around in the 70s.
<-- I’ve upped the saturation and contrast on this pic to show you what I really dig about these prints – the fine random spatter of dark brown and deep teal flecks.
Today I bought the green as well, it's lusherama ...
So, farewell Blogtoberfest … and thank you so much to Kat@ I Saw You Dancing for organising it all so beautifully.
And thank you to Nicole@ Brighton Sewing Centre for giving me such a lovely incentive to take part.