Hello chaps … it’s been a month since I pretty much did anything other than go to work or go up to hospital to have unspeakable things done …
… things that kinky peeps would pay good money for. Upshot is I’ve been doing a lot of sleeping or reading or twigging around on the internet with my phone, but I haven’t felt much like blogging or taking photos, or sewing.
I have quite a lot more of the kinky stuff planned throughout the summer, so I prepared some EPP in advance for waiting room/lounging malarkey, using ImAGingerMonkey’s fab paper template files for Spring Carnival. I used scissors for everything, no rotary cutting just long bladed scissors from the pound shop for fabric and paper. They’re my special EPP scissors. I don’t cut other fabric or paper with them, and they’re easy enough to sharpen. I like when all stages of the process are pretty much portable.
I’ve had a stash of gingham for about 10 years that I just couldn’t bring myself to cut into, but I was really inspired by all the Gingham Love going on over at Project Gingham hosted by Krista @KristaStitched Elizabeth @OccasionalPiece and Cindy@LiveAColorfulLife and I just dived in …
Some of these ginghams are polycotton and some are cotton but they sew together perfectly and I love the lightness in weight compared to the weightier solids and timeless treasure sketch crosshatches somewhere in the middle. I want my EPP to have a lot of texture, so I’m going to embroider some of the gingham hexies too. Pezzy Print may or may not make an appearance …
I found a sewing glue stick
Oooh, and here’s a sneak peek at what arrived today from Lynne@LilysQuilts for the @FatQuarterly Winterkist Challenge! WooHoo! True colours are warmer and softer – it really is gorgeous in the hand. Another hit from Monica@HappyZombie …

These are instagram pics. I’m dipping a toe into microblogging over there for a while (I’m @pingsandneedles, same as on twitter.)
It makes sense while I’m not spending so much time on the computer. I can use my fabandroidphone to do the whole kaboodle - but it can be a bit temperamental, introducing all these bloomin social networks to each other!
So, if it’s quiet over here, chances are I may be sharing something over there. Or trying to. It took about 20 mins to upload a snap today, negating the insta part of the equation somewhat!
I’m not taking a break from the blog as much as having a bit of a disco nap … summer hols are coming and that will mean time and energy for sewing!
In the meantime, some things like this post, evidently, can’t be micro-anythinged - They will be rambled on about here as per uje.
Finishalong 2nd quarter is coming up … eek! (might be a short post, that one).