But you know what? I don’t think it’s such a bad thing to have an annual day of thanksgiving. So, here I am, waving my little flag here in Brighton, a day early!
Today I am full of thankfulness.
Today it's also four months since my brother died.
I am overwhelmingly thankful that my grieving process has taken the form of self-expression, rather than self-destruction.
Just as when he was ill 'doing crafty stuff with my hands' saw me through long hours of waiting, it now sees me through many hours of missing.
I am thankful for having the patience to rip it up and start again sometimes - I learn a little more each time.
This doesn’t just apply to sewing …
I’m thankful for the very real community that I have found since I first arrived in the Blogolopolis.
Generosity of spirit is a welcome delight irrespective of whether the day’s been awesome or irksome.
It’s great to be able to share and contribute to it, in whatever way.
Wishing you all - wherever you are - and whatever you are thankful for - a good, good day :)
I’ll draw the winner for my Melody Miller scraps giveaway on Friday night (UK time) so hop over here to enter if you haven’t already - and don’t worry if your comment looks like it has disappeared - I have them all backed up :)