First off, let me apologise for the appalling quality of photos on my blog at the moment, but I’m down to using my phone, as my camera has decided that it’s a toaster.
Been away from the blog, cos I’ve been busy, see*
*in Jimmy Cagney voice
I’ve finished the main blocks for my Quilt of Good Intentions, but I veered away from the limited green/grey palette pretty damn quickly and decided to throw in a little more colour.
As I’m intending to have it on my bed I was concerned that I might get bored with the green/grey thing once my crush on it diminishes. After all, I am pretty fickle and nearly all colours look fab with grey! And I have this little panel (bottom right) from trois miettes at Spoonflower that I’ve been dying to use!
More importantly perhaps, the point of this quilt is for it to act as a kick start to my inspiration for the year. I thought a touch of paintboxery might be in order. One day I’ll make a proper one, but this might just spur me on.
But here’s the quandary … white or grey? These were my initial thoughts:
I think the white looks pretty fab and very grown up, but then the grey makes it pop more. (I envisage the grey version would be as large as the white, with squares of solid colour in the sashing, but I only had the width of fabric to lay the blocks out.)
I've thought about not putting the central panel in if I went with the grey - I could have it on the back with some stacked paintbox coins - that way I get two quilts for one! … what do you think?
My thoughts are to use two layers of batting and hand quilt each side separately with embroidery thread and then whack em together and do some wide straight stitch quilting.
I’m afraid it’s all Mrs Singer can cope with, so free motion will have to wait until Damiel has his foot pedal replaced, before I embark on that little intention.
It is another intention to finally use some white this year, which is why I’m thinking the white would be good. Just not very practical! The white I have is the most amazing heavy white linen that I picked up at a market for only £1.50 a metre - and it’s 2.5 metres wide! It would be bliss on a bed.
Two hours later: I’m sulking a bit now as Mrs Singer has lost all sense of tension … sheesh, all I did was clean the discs. How ungrateful can you get!?
3 hrs later: fixed it but not looking too consistent … grrr …
24hrs later: Back at work today - new students names to remember … forgetting how to teach … being nerdy with computers … ah the joy of skool!
Anyway, please let me know which you think would work better, the white? or the grey? Panel on the front? Panel on the back? I’d really appreciate your advice.
As I’ve been making this up as I go along, I wondered if you’d like a tutorial when it’s all over? Good idea? Bad idea?