Poor Damiel.
He’s like an eccentric old spitfire … he’s got all the parts you need to fly, and all the enthusiasm and intention of a teenager, but none of the modern technology to make the flight smooth and zippy like a jet fighter …
Johnny Depp would play him in the movie. I do really love him. He’s shiny.
Anyway. My obsessive use of the walking foot in my quest for perfect HSTs and paper piecing is starting to take its toll on his 63 year old frame.

Piecing this, (left) only my second (of 16!) spiderweb blocks for the Brit Quilt Swap …
… has seen 2 broken needles, a locked bobbin. motor flipping the wheel lock off, and general spinning out with associated clunking.
To this 1950s boy racer of a machine, a walking foot is the equivalent of sticking a memory stick into a typewriter.
He’s wearing out and needs a break.
So, I think I’m going to bring back Mrs Singer again … (She’d be played by Patricia Routledge)
She’s been on ‘sabbatical’. (snitty tension issues)
I sympathise with her, really I do.
But she’s Yin to his Yang, Man. It’s her turn.
In other news …
I have got a wonderful double bubble giveaway starting next week …
Let’s see now,
… Spoilers!