I’ve made a couple of these hexagon log cabins now, as part of LilysQuilts Summer Hexalong …
This one from yesterday uses strips that are uniform in size (1.5”).
They are sooooo easy to make, and if you choose different sized hexies for your central piece you can really get some variety going!
I received my Happy Mochi Yum Yum winnings from Lily’sQuilts today and I couldn’t resist having a little play.
Vicky, aka Patchwork Queen (my lovely BritQuiltSwap partner) asked me if I’d used a tutorial, but I hadn’t – I just busked it, so I thought I’d make a quick tutorial for anyone who fancies making these … they’re easy peasy lemon squeezy and a grrrrreat way to use up your scraps!
This tutorial is aimed at everyone from absolute beginner up - no meaningful measurements here … You can choose whatever size hexagon you want as your central piece and just build from there until you get to your finished size.
If you want them to fill a square block, just keep going until oversize and then trim … If you want to square them off with a white background, that’s easy too … just a couple of triangles and rectangles to add …
I hope the following tute is clear – I’ve numbered each stage so that if you just want to right click and save em they’ll be easy to view. It's not difficult, so you should be able to make one in just a little longer than it takes you to read this!
Have fun!
Happy Hexing! Don’t forget to check out Lily'sQuilts for the Hexalong, or take a peek on Lily’s flickr page at all the lovely stuff people are making and join in the fun …