So, 1st Blogiversary eh? That means pay it forward time, in my book.
A long long while ago (the back end of January!) I won an amazing giveaway over at Monica @HappyZombie’s blog for a mystery FQ bundle from Moda.
‘Jovial’, a Christmas line, arrived in June, but I couldn’t really think about Christmas then (like I can now?!) so I stroked it a while and then put it away for another day …
Today is that day.

I have to confess, I’m not a huge fan of Christmas fabric AT ALL, but my mind was totally changed when Angela @FussyCut’s posted this brilliant Starry Eyed quilt, on Moda Bakeshop back in July.
I think this is the best use of Crimbo fabric I’ve ever seen, and I think this line would look brilliant.
I figure someone else might really like to make it … or any other Christmas type stuff …
S-o-o-o-o-o … my Pay It Forward giveaway to you, my lovely readers, followers, stalkers and casual droppers by … is 16 FQs of Jovial, to do with whatever you wish.
If you would like a chance to win this mini bundle, all you need to do is
For another chance, in a separate comment, you could tell me the WORST present you have either given or received.
Here’s a little rundown of all the chances you have. (separate comments for each please)
- BEST present received
- WORST present given or received
- If you are a die hard or new follower
- If you blog about it
- If you tweet or tell the milkman
Please make sure that you have an email address somewhere in the trail - no-reply bloggers will lose out … It’s worth checking once in a while … for some reason my profile randomly just decides to revert to no-reply without me asking it to … To change this in go to your Dashboard. Select Edit Profile. Check the box for "Show my Email Address." Save changes.
Good Luck! ... mayMr Random Generator smile at you ... Giveaway ends Wednesday 31st August, midnight Pings time ..
(in other news, I’ll be announcing the 10 winners of the Japanese scrap bags tomorrow)