I decided it would be a good idea to start a brand new Christmas present … an applique tree, for g’ness sake. Am I mad?
This is a request from my lovely friend who's coming to stay for Christmas.
So … I started off ironing fusible onto 10 different scraps of fabric … and then cut a seemingly infinite number of leaves (I wanted to have some left over to ‘bank’) My sister-in-law cut out tons when she and my nephew stopped by on their way home from Lunnun. Lovely treat. The visit!

It's his birthday on Christmas Day, and he brought me this beautiful linen and cotton lace tablecloth after he saw the tree I did for the MMM swap earlier this year ... Sorry about the cold dark winter light! It was about 2pm!

He has a really funky 70s orange and green bedroom .... I'm not sure if it's going to be a quilt or a bed spread yet ... Realistically I need to detach the lace for what I want to do ... but time is of the essence here!

I've added more leaves to the bottom two sides since these photos ... it looks a little out of balance here, I think.
I’m going to hand stitch with perle through the middle of each leaf, rather than sit at the machine and go round the edges … I want to use different colour threads, so it would be a real faff. This way, I can sit in front of a movie tomorrow and get the applique finished.
I quite like the idea that they’ll be fluttery when the fusible washes out … maybe? hope so.
Amidst all this, I’m still finishing off three sets of placemats, not one of them complete yet! LOL!
So, anyone else just started a ridiculous project? Or are you all properly sane?