This post is brought to you through the power of Blogtoberfest 2012
My Japanese Import Charm Swap package arrived today! Yay!
AND my stamps were all unfranked so I got back all my postage – which almost makes up for being stung for VAT on the import! Winner. Winner. Chicken Dinner.
There are some terrific fabrics in here … thank you to everyone in the Flickr group, it’s a great selection and I love every single square!
You’ll have to forgive the dark photos – Two hailstorms today! … and vay vay dark …
… and most of all, thank you to Sarah@ NarcolepticInACupboard and Helen@ ArchieTheWonderDog who organised things so beautifully …
This giveaway will run for the duration of Blogtoberfest – that is, until midnight 31st October UK time - I’ll announce the winner as close to November 1st as I can, to give you plenty of time to make a little something for Christmas.
International entries welcome!