I’d like to thank my agent, my amazing director, my cutting mat, my rotary cutter, my sewing machine, and of course my stash …. I couldn’t have done it without you …
So, what’s a Liebster Award anyway?

Well, you know how sometimes you visit a blog and it’s like some towering skyscraper of brilliance, with twenty gazillion followers … and you think … “Whoa! I am not worthy”?
The idea behind the Liebster is that it is awarded to us smaller “thatched cottage” type blogs, with 300 or fewer followers (try saying that when you’ve had a sherbet or two!)
The condition of the award is that you pay it forward and spread the Liebe (that’s love … keep up) and nominate another three … and so on … to infinity and beyond …
But before I open the envelope please make sure you visit my nominator: the lovely Leila at Where The Orchids Grow - we were in a swap together and she’s just so talented, with a wonderful eye for line, shape and colour … Yum.
So, without further ado …
… and in no particular order … here are three of my favourite little blogs - little only in number of followers may I say, not in talent, and boy, was it hard to choose. I haven’t stuck to strictly quilty bloggers either - get out there and mingle!
The Coffee Lady is one of my favourite ‘snort tea through my nose’ blogs … Damn she is witty, and oh so dry, and chronicles everything from crafting disasters and triumphs to musings on language, everyday family life, society and cake bribery. I always get excited when there’s that little (1) in my Reader.
Dawbis at Lovely Paper Blog has just, I mean like just, had a beautiful baby, Sofia Noémi. Her paper craft is also beautiful beyond words. I love how she chronicles her creative process and how it all ends up so fresh and new and strikingly original.
Caroline at Toffle Craft - Now, Caroline is a shiny new blogger who works full time as a PhD student. She’s working on her first quilt, and she can sew in straight lines, which is more than I could do when I started blogging! So hop on over and show some support … it’s lovely to be there at the start of something … I tell you … this is one lady to watch!
Now you winners - go spread the love - and readers … go introduce yourselves!
Picture Credits: Skyscraper photo: By 慕尼黑啤酒 (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html">GFDL], via Wikimedia CommonsThatched Cottage photo: By Green Lane (Own work) [http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html">GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0], via Wikimedia Commons