No, really,
one. of. those. weeks.
Monday started off with me being ranted at and then the week continued with me ranting a bit meself, sulking, despairing, crying, feeling remorse and then feeling angry again. I also ate a lot of fizzy sweets, had a crash and burn sugar hangover and finally lost myself in some sewing this weekend. It took a long while before I wasn’t unpicking everything I’d sewn, but I found the unpicking strangely therapeutic, as if I were slowly unravelling the crap of the week.
Now, I’m pretty sure my swap partner isn’t likely to drop by here (she was pretty invisible on the flickr group) I know she’s a very busy mum, and as well as being a fab maker of things and she also works as a bleeeeep (just in case you're here stalking. partner) , so she probably has very little time for the interweb!
Luckily my lovely partner sent really good likes and dislikes so I was just able to get on with stuff.
In the Urban Home Goods swap you make one large item and one smaller one. There was a request for some placemats for her boys so I made these:
I had to strategically place stuff where her boys’ initials are to put in the flickr group, but here they are in full:
They were a bit of a big deal for me, as I really haven’t done any applique since I was about 13 - so that’s quite a 35 year knowledge gap LOL … as a result there was a lot of huh? what? and f!~#@! goin on …
Lots of firsts too - I used freezer paper for both outer and inner plates, using the famous “pin it, iron it, sew it,
By which time I deferred to bondaweb for the cutlery. I also made up the little aliens to match the fabric pattern and bondawebbed them in too … The main fabric is a lovely natural Essex linen, with a super deep green silky gingham on the back … I didn’t use any batting in them, so they’d be more floppy, and I made them quite large so that the kids can use them on their laps for a picnic.
My second item was a pot holder - my lovely partner said she loved Denyse Schmidt Hope Valley, so I made her this:
This design has a little pocket so you can get a better grip. It is padded with natural batting and insulbrite so with any luck it should protect against burnt fingers! I used this great tutorial here at prudent baby, and I love the quilty wrinkling it’s got goin on …
I’ve never made a potholder before and what with the whole pocket thing and two types of binding making, I reckon I could’ve made a doll quilt in half the time LOL!
I know the stitching’s a bit wibbly wobbly, but I’ve been having some tension issues, LOL, probably mirroring my week again! … but it’s strong and I think it looks much better in the flesh than it does here … or at least I hope it does!
So parcel’s in the post partner! Hope you love using them as much as I loved making them!
Look at all those stamps!! I love the eyeball ones, but the Remembrance Poppies are my favourites!
… in the meantime, have a lovely week :)