For me, Remembrance Day is something I find almost unbearably moving and this year it’s 11am on 11th November 2011 … that’s 11:11:11:11 so it touches my nerdy soul too … woot!
I cut two different sized circles of felt and then shaped them into a couple of squashed
8s …
I beaded round the edges in pink, purple & red and used an old Victorian jet mourning button for the centre. I like that link of remembrance.
Nothing exciting round the back - just a safety pin ..
So, at 11:00am on Friday I will be wearing my poppy and keeping the silence, even though it’s break time at school and all will be loud and chaotic around me. I may need to go and hide in the loo to do it though!
I like that reflective quiet time ... I don't think we have enough of it in our jam packed lives ...